Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Ofgi'ving Glory to God. Then they with the chìefe good ofall, that wherebywe are fitted for the maine end, Peace. God cannot be glorified onearth, unlef a there be peace wrought : for man elfe conceives God as an enemy ; by this Peace we are fitted to glo- rifie God , ifwee find reconciliation with God through /efau Chrift, then the fenceofGods love, in the workeofreconciliation, will enflame our hearts toglorifie God, therefore next to the glo- ryofGod, theywi (h Peace on Bart!,. Then thirdly, here is the ground ofall happi_ neln,fromwhence thispeace comes,fromGods good will, from his good pleafure,or free Grace, TomenofGodrgeédivW. So ifwegoe back againe, The good will and pleafure ofGod, is the caufe and groundofpeace in thrift, and peace in ehrift puts us into acondition, and ftirs us up toglori- fie God,fowe fee there is an order in thefe three. To begin with the firft. Glory to God in the higheft. The Angels , thofe bleffed and holy Spirits, theybegin with that which is theend ofall, It is Gods end, in all things his owne glory , he bath none above himfefe, whofe glory to ayme at. And they with, Glory to God in the hiiheJi Hea- vens. Indeed he is more glorified there, then any where in theworld ; it is the place where his Ma- jeftie moft appeares,and the truth is, wecannot perfc Uy glorifie God, till we be inheaven,there is pure glory given to. God in Heaven , there Q is 2, 15 i The chicle good. The chie£e ground. Why they/ with gioiv to God +n hca ven.