Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

2. The words J vidrd, Godlinef3e a ,i-Yl,yfierie, the Minifteriall Office, he doth it from two grounds efpecially ; from the dignitie of the Church, whichhe was to inftrut.& converfe in, and from theexcellency of theMyftcries 6fshe Gofpel,that excellent'Soùle-faving Truth:here- ttpon he doth ferioufly exhort Ti wothie to take heed how he converfed in the Churn of God, in teaching the Truthof God. The Churchof God, it is the Houfeof God, a company ofpeople that God cares for more then for all 41ánkind betides; for whom the World Elands, forWhom all things are ; It it the Church'ofthe living Gad, the Pillarandgroundof Truth. And for the Truth-of God, that mull be taught in this Church,that is foexcellent a thing, that we fee theblefl'edApo; ftle here ufethgreat words,high (tiles , lofrieex,' prefïioas concerning it. As thematter is -high, and great , fo theholy Apoftle .bath expreffions finable ; a full heart breeds full estpreffions. As no man went beyond S. Paul, in the deepe con- ceit of hisowne unworthineffe, andof his frate by nature; fo there was no man reached _higher in large and rich thoughts,and exprefhoñs'ofthe excellencie ofCirri ff, and the good things_ wee have by him : as we fee here:; letting, fö tlitl e excellency ofthe Minifteriall Calling, being, to deale with Gods Truth towards Gods d e,he Pets forth Evangelicall Troth: glorionifly ere; without controverfie, great it the My/ierte_of God, lineje;Godmanifefled in the f efh, &c. In thefe words then there is a Preface and, then, a particular explication ; there is á :foun,: taine,'