Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Ansammonwnimmll 2.16 How wemay glorifie God on earth more then in Ilea= ven. Ofgirviig Glory to God. is no corruption there in thofe perfe& foules, there is pedal glory given to God in heaven. H. re uponearth, God is not glorified at all by many. The whole life of many, being nothing I but a difhonouring ofGod,by abufing his ordi- nances,trainpling uponhis Church andchildren, by flighting his word, and Sacramcnts, there is littlehonour given toGod in the world,buton- ly by a few,whornhe intends toglorifie for ever, and indeed ifwewill, glorifieGod here, we mull raife our thoughts to heaven at that time , raffle them abovethe world, toheaven ,wherewe final' for ever glorifie him,. wherewe (hall joynewith the blefsed.Saints.and Angels,and fing,holy,holy, holy LordGodofHo,fls,&c.In the meane time,(let meadde this by the way) that in (ome fort we may glorifieGod more onearth, then inheaven: It may feeme a Paradox , but it is true, that is thus, here upon earth we glorifie God in the middefl ofenemies, he bath no enemies in heat ven, they are all ofone fpirit; here upon earth, we livenot onely amongDevils,b-ut amongmen ledwith the fpirit of the Devil, where God is difhonóured; and ifhere we take Gods fide, and the truth, and Gofpels fide, and (land for Gods caufe, (infome fort) wehonour Godmorehere thenwe are capable todoe it in heaven , where there is nooppolition. -In thisrefpell, let us be encouraged toglorifie God , what wecanhere; for ifwe begin toglorifie God here, it is a figne weareofrhe number that he intends to glori- fiewithhim forever. The