Ofgiving Glory to God. Z 17 The verbe is not fet downe here whether it thouldbe, Glory it given to God ,orwhether by way ofwiíbing , Let glory begiven toGod, or by way of prediction, or prophefie for the time o come, gloryfhallbe to God, from hence to the end oftheworld theverbe being wanting , all have a truth. For fir ft, it cannot beawif4i, unlefie it were apofitive dotrtnall truth, that all glory is due to God in the Incarnationof Chrifi and be- caufe all glory is due to him thereupon comes the groundofwifhing, and of prayer, Let God be glorified, why ? becaufe it isdue, ifit werenot a pofitivedoEtriaall truth, therecouldbe no foun- dation to raife.a with, ora prayer, forwhat is a prayer, but the turning of promife or truth, intoa prayer? and what ispraife,but the turning ofa truth intopraife ? fo it is a doetrinall truth, Firft that God is to be glorified efpecially in Chrift, and in Chrifi, in this particular, in the IncarnationofChrif. And it is a with for the time to come, let him be glorified, and a predi- ¿lion, God fhall be glorified in the Church, bee (hall alwayhave force toglorifie him for Chrift, and efpecially for his Incarnation. Glory to God on high. Glory isexcellency,greatnes,and goodneswith the eminency ofit, foasit may be difcovered. There is a fundamentall Glory , in things that are not difcovered at all times , God is alWayes glorious but ales few have eyes to fee it i but here I take it for the excellency and eminency of the goodneífe and greatneffeof Goi difcovered Q 2 and Glory;what.