zt8 Ofgiry ng Glory togod. and taken notice of. In the former part of the Chapter, Light iscalled thegloryofthe Lord, Light is a glorious c-eature, nothing expreflèth glory fo much,as light,it is a fweetcreature,but it is a glorious creature,ic carries it's evidence ¡nit felfe, it di'covers all other things,and it felfe too. So excellency and eminency will difcovet it felfe to thole that have eyes to lee it , and -being manife. fled, and withall taken notice of, is glory. In that the Angels begin with the gloryof God, I might fpeake ofthis doCtrine, that The glory of God, thefetting forth of the excellen. ties, and eminenciesofthe Lord, fhoùld be the endof our lives, the chiefe thingme fboiuld ayne at, The Angels he e= begin with it, and wee be, gin with it in the Lords prayer, haiived bee thy name, it thoald be our maine imployment, Of' himandby him are all things ,therefore tohim beglory,, Rom.tr, Rom. rr. Thereforewee fhould give God that which is his ovine, Thine is thedory, as it is its the conclulionof the Lords Prayer ; but this being a general! p 'int, I will paffe it by, and come to the particular, in which, it will more comforta- bly appeare, as this glory (bines in Chriff,in the Incarnation ofchrig , there is matter ofglorify. ing God, both the Angels and men. And here I doe not take the Incarnation of Chriff, abflra&ively , fromotherthings in Chrifi' But I take the Incarnation of chriff,as a founda- tion,&prerequ ifi=e to allthe othergood we have by chriJt,glery to Godonhiçh,non, Chriff is borne,mhy? only that he is borne No; but by reafonofthis Incarnation The glory of God, our chiefe end and ayme. Incarnation ofChri(l,the foundation of other benefits byhim.