Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Ofgi»ing Glory to God. Z >t 9 Incarnation , there is a unionofthe twonatures, God and man, fo that by the Incarnation, now Chrift is man, and holy man,the humane nature in Chrift is pure, and holy, being fant:}ified by the Spirit, and united to God; nowChrift be- ing not onely man,but pure man, and God-man (God taking our nature to the unitie ofhis per- fon) hence it is that be comes to be qualified for all that he did,and fufferedafter; itwas from hence,that theyhad their worth. What was the reafon that his being madea curie, and to dye for us, fhould be of fuch worth ? It came from a perfon that was God -man ; nay, fo neere is the manhood to God, that what the manhooddid, Goddid,becaufe the perfonwas God,the fecond perfon taking the natureofman,andwhat he fuf, fred in hishumane nature,God fuffred according to mans nature : hence comes that phrafe ofthe communication ofproperties,whatever wasdone or fuffred in mans nature, God did as a Mediator, Goddid it in that nature, thereupon comes the price ofit ; thus the Incarnation is a pre-requi- fite, & foundation toall other benefits by Chrifi, therefore take it conjoyned,his Incarnation, and his death,and refurre&ion,andafcention, and all. Well then,The incarnation of aril together with the benefits to ue by it, that is, Redemption, Adoption, & is that wherein GodwillThew hisglory mollof all. That is the doftrinall truth; the glory &excel- lencyofGoddothmoil fh ine inhis love,& mercy in Chrift. Every excellencyof Godbath its proper place or Theatre, where it is feene, as his! owcr, Q3 in Wherein God will moll of all fhcw his glo- ry,