Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

sZ0 Qfgirving9lory to god. in the Creation his Wiledome in his. Provi- dence,:. and .rulingof the world., his Juftice in hell ,.his Majefiie inheaven, but his Mercy and kindneffe, bis bo*els of teiviermercy doe molt ofall appeare i,, his Church amonghis people. Gods Attila God ,fhcwes the excellency of his oodneffe bures inCluil. y' g and mercy in the Incarnation of chrifi, and the benefits wehave by it ; many. Attributes andex- cellencies ofGod,thine.inChrift, as, Tiuchl His truth, Ar the prornife.rofGod are yea, and Amen in Chili, there is anaccon_iplifhment ofall the prornifes , `,.., Wifedome. And thenhis wifedóme,,that:heechuld'.recot2- cile Juftice and Mercy , by joyning twonatures together,this plot was inheaven by God the Fa- ther,the Sonne,andthe Holy-Ghofi,theTrinity,. that Godandmairf i pl_d be joyned together, to joynand knit two:Attributes, feeming contrary, Juftice, and Mercy, to reconcileman, by recon- ciling Junice and:Mercy, and by fuch an excel- lent way , that God fhould become man, Ema- nuel, this was a great wifedome to reconcile Ju flice and Mercy, by fuch a Perlon, as fhould fa- tisfie fun ice, andgive way toMercy, that is, by Chrift. God will lofe none of his Attributes, his Juftice mutt be fatisfied, that his Mercy might bemanifefied; the wifdoineofGod found out that way,it is a plot the Angels Rudy in. Wilke. Likewife bere is Juftice, JuRice fully fatisfied in drift, he became our Surety, who is Godas well as man,ifno creaturecan fatisfie God, God can, when the fecond Perlon tooke ournature, and