OfgirvingGlory to God. 2z It and was our Surety, 'atìddyed for us; herewas the glory ofhis Juflice. And ofhis holineffe, that bee would be no otherwifé fatisfied for fitne, it was fo foule a thing,that to fliew his hatredofit, he penifhed it inhis owne Sonne,whenhe became our Suse- ty. How holy and pure is God ? that is, what a feparation is there, in the natureof 'God from fin, coiifidering that hefopunifh,ed it in his Son, our Surety ? that he madelum crieout , My God, myGod, avhy haH thouforfae en me ? We cannot fee the nature ofGod in any thing in the world , fo much as inchrif$, in Cbrifl we fee , as in a glaffe, his infinite fweet VVifedome, his Juflice, and Holineffe, in hatingand loathing offinne. But the maineof all is ,his Mercy and Good- neffe, which fet him onworke, to contrive this great worke of Redemption, by the Incarnation and deathofChri(t ; the infinite rich , glorious, aboundantmercy,that is the maine thing where- in God is glorious now in Chrifl therefore everywhere you have thefe, and the like titles put to his goodneffe and mercy, The bountyof God appeared., and the riches ,of his mercy, and the exceedinggreat height, and breadth, anddepth of his love. Thereare nowords large enough tofet out the goodneffe and mercy of God in 1eíú Chrift. Therefore I will onely fpeakeof this Attribute, becaufe this beares the maflery among all the other Attributes,though Godbe equallypowers full and juff, and yet heexpreffeth his mercy and grace moll of all in lefuu Chrift, towards Poore Q 4 wretched Iiarinefre Mercy