Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

The glory of God inRe- denhptionsY- +ceeds. Ofgirving Glory to Gode wretched man : For after the fall, man being mi- ferable and finfull, what Attribute can exalt it felfe, but Mercy tomifery ; and grace ro finfull man,inpardoning his finne? conuidering in what termes man flood ; therewas noother Attribute could e xalt it felfe but grace and mercy, totri- umph over mifery and finne. As it is in a City, thofe that are otherwifeeduail in honour, yet . fometimes one beares rule above another, and he that is now Magifirate and chiefe, take him at another time,he is inferiour to others; fo Pnce the fall, themercy of God beares office, and is chiefe Gmvernour and Commander over all the Attributes of God. For as I Paid , what moved God to Pet his Wifedome onworke , tocontrive fuch a thing as the fa,vation ofman-kindeMercy reconcile God and man in one perfon ? his movedhim. What movedhim to fatisfie his Ju- flice ? It was, that an excellent way might be made,without prejudice to any other ofhis At- tributes for his free grace and Mercy, that is it that fet all the other on worke, that is the maine triumphing Attribute ; confidering man now (landing in that exigence of Mercy therefore Glary to God in the higheli heavens, efpecially for his free grace and Mercy in Chriji. Now that youmay underhand this fwcetpoint, which isverycomfortable, and indeed thegrand comfort to a Chriflian, doe but compare the glory ofGod , that is, the excellency, and emi. nency ofGods mercy, and goodneffe, and great - neffe of thisworkofRedemption bydrill, with other