Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Ofsieving Glory to God. other things. God is glorious in the workeof Creation, The heaven,' declare the glory of God: and theearth manifefls theglory of God every Thewake of Creation. creature indeed bath a beame of the glory of God, efpecialIy thofe celefliall bodies in the heavens, they praìfe God in their kinds,but with our mouthes they give us matter of praife , and if we have gracious hearts, we take notice of it, and magnifie him for his goodneffe, his good. neffeappeares in the lifeof the creatures, and his grearnefíe in thebulke of the creatures, his w dome in ordering and ranking of them, fo that his mercy (hines inall things in heaven and earth marveloutly : oh but ( below d)heaven andearth, (hall come to nothing ere long, and what is all this glory, of the goodneffe and greatneife of God to us, ifwebe Pent to hell after this fhort life is ended ? what comfort is it that we goe on theearth,and enjoy the comforts that God gives us in this world , and then to peri fh for ever ? theref?re the glory and goodneffe ofGod, doth not fo glorioufly appeare in the creation of the world. Nay, the glory ofGods love and mercy, (hi_ _ The (lateof ned not tous fo, whenwewere in Adam, not to Adamininno. Adam , for there Goddid good toa good man, Cency. he created him good; and (hewed goodneffeto him, thatwas not fomuchwonder, but for God to (hew mercy to -an enemy, toä creature that was in oppofition to him, that was in a flare of rebellion againif him , it is a greater wonder, and moreglory. It.was a marvelous mercy