Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

2.L4 Exod. 3 g. 6. Wherein Gods gloryappea- 1 red to Metes. Tit. 2. 12. OfgirvingGlory to god. mercy for God to make man out ofthe earth . but here God was made man, he became man himfelfe; there all was donewithone word, Let unmake man, it-was ezfily done : But in this, for Chri,ft to become man for us, and to fuWer many things to bemadea curie for us, it was not fo eafle a matter, therefore herein there is a great manifeflation of the glory of Gods goodnefïe, and mercy to us : for God bath let himfelfe to bee glorious in his mercy and goodnefl'e , and grace in Chrift, bee bath fet himfelfe to triumph over the greateíl ill in man (which is finne ) in the gloriousworkeof Redemption; So that you fee, here is thegreatefi glory,and mercyof God , appeares inour Redemptionby Iefui Chrift, the foundationofwhich , ishis in- carnation. In Exod. 34. 6, God dothmakean anfwer to Mofes, who delred:to fee the gloryof God,that hemight have it manifefled tohim,not out ofcuriofity, but that hemight love God the more, how doth God manifefl his glory tohim ? lehovah,Ilrong, mercifull,gloriow., pardoningfinne and iniquity,when Godwould fet him Idle to fhew his glory in an(wering Mofes petition, he doth it in letting out kis glorious mercy andgrace, and loving kindnef'ie, in pardoning fin and iniquity, to (hew that hewill now have hisglory moil ap, peare,in the fweet Attributeofmercy,and corn- palion,in the forgivenefleofftnnes,&c. In ?Rog 2. 12. Thegrace ofGodbath appeared teachingw to deny ungodlinefi'eandworldly lu.tts, c. The ;race ofGod bath appeared ; Grace bath not a body to