Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

OfgirvingGlory to God. 24, $ to appeare vifibly, I, but ChrU appeared, and when he appeared it was as if grace and love had beene incarnate and tooke a body, fo that grace and mercy, moll ofall (nines in the Incar- nationof Chri{t. I neednot cleere the point further, but onely make alittle ufeofit,. and fo end. Loth the grace, andlove, and mercyofGod, thole fweet Attributes;now appeare, and (hew themfelves in Iefus Chri.ft. I befeech you let us remember it ( there is no point of Divinitie of more ufe and comfort) efpecially in thegreate(t plunges and extremities, for it anfwereth all objections, the greatefi and firongeft that can be made. The (inner will objet, my fumes aregrear,of long continuance and fianding, they are of a dèepe dye. Looke then upon God in Chilli, andconfider his end in the Incarnation of Chrifi;; it was that his mercy,and goodneffe, and grace, fhouldbe exalted, and triumph over all mans unworthi- nefse r the greater thy finnes are ,.the greater will be theglory of his mercy,and that is it, God feekes for now,to beglorious inhis mercy. Againe, thy heart tells thee, that ifthere be anymercy ¡hewed to filch awretch as thou art, it muffbenoordinary mercy. It is true, Gods mercy is no ordinary thing, ofall Attributes he will triumph in that;the ry ofhis mercy and goodnefse , is that he feekes tohave ofmen , by the IncarnationandRedem- ption wrought by Chrifi, above all things what- foever. Thou Mercy inGod anfwereth all obje&ions ira man.