Animemenommo Zz6 Objeîf. ilnfarer. Objtff. Objed, Jinfa+ef . Hortf I I. Application to the Sacra- ment. OfgirvingGlory toGod. Thouwouldft have infinite mercy. Thou haft it in Chrift. Thy fins have abounded, Gods grace abounds muchmore. Thy finnes are mountaines , Gods mercy is as the Ocean, tocover thofe mountaines. But is it poffible for God to forgive fuch a wretched finner , that bath beene a blafphe-1 mer, &c ? It were not with men : but, faith Ged, My thoughtsarenet asyour thoughts, you are vindiEtìve in your difpofitions, andwill not pardon , but my thoughtsare as farreabove yours, as the hea vens are above the earth;therefore bound not the infinite mercy ofGod, whereinhe will triumph, ( with thy narrow thoughts) but let it have its fcope, efpecially in plunges and affaults, and at fuch times as the belt ofus may be brought unto. InHofea, r z. I amGodandnot man ; imply- ing, that if hewere man, we might have meane thoughtsof him, confined thoughts, but tam Godand not man, therefore comfort your felves in this , confider how God fets himfelfe to be glo- rious in his love and mercy, to poore miferable wretched man in IefrosChrüt. You fee the mercy ofGod in Chrif, even in the Sacrament, he dothnot onelygive Chrft tous, So God loved the world, that hegavehis onely begotten Sonne, tobe borne and todye for us, but his mer- cy is a boundleffe mercy ; we fee bee labours to ftrengthen our faith by thefe pledges, that we make ufe ofthis. What ifGod be mercifull in Chrif