Ofgi-ving Glory to God. ZZ7 Chrift ? andwhat if Chrift be gracious, and there is nothing but grace and mercy, iftherebe not 'an application if i here be not an interefl, what benefithave we by it? wemull interefi our felves in this glorious Perlon , interelt our felves in Chrift, for it is founded upon Chrift, all the glo- rious mercy ofGod, is grounded upon tatisfa. - ¿lionofluftice,that is, in Chrift; but this is no- thing , except wee interefl our felves in Chrrii, and in the mercyof God ; for our appropriation is the groundofall comfort. God out ofcirift, God out of is a fountains foaled he is a fountains of mer- Chriftterri. cy, but he is fealed u b p he is a confuming, fire, 1e, but in Chris, he is a cheating comforting fire; but this is nothing to us, unlefiewebe in Chrifi, we mull have intereft in Chriff, wemull be bone ofhis bone, and flefh ofhis flefh, he hath mar- ry+ed our nature, that we might be marryed to him , wehave no benefitby his Incarnation elfe. Now all our comfortis,by this unionand Com- munion with Chrift, by marrying our felves to Chrift,by ftrengthening our faith in this Union, and Communion, that fowe may makeufcof theboundlcfl'c mercy ofGod in chrift,there.fore how fhould we be encouraged to come to the Sacrament, toen joy this comfort. You have heard ( Beloved ) ofthe joy ofthe There set.- Angels, of their manner of celebrating the birth mons hwere preaced at ofchrift, and ifthe Angels fhould leave heaven, rhefcaftof and come downs upon earth and rake upon Chriftsítativi, them bodies, howwould they celebrate the In- ry' carnation ofChrift? You fee here, Glory roGodon high,.