2.28 How to cele - brate Chnft: Nativìtrc. Ofgirving Glory toGod. high,thiswould be the courfewherein they would carrythemfelves toglorifie God , anfwerable to their Song, fo fhouldwedoe, awewill be liké the bleffed Angels, we fee how to celebrate the NativityofChrift, we need not goe tofetch joy from hell , to celebrate it ; ifthe Devil l should be incarnate,and come to live amongmen,how would hee celebrate the Incarnation of Chrifi, otherwifè then in many places itis? ifwe donot love to have our portion with Devils, furely we fhould not imitate thofe , whore flare , and condition we are afraid of. The Angels faw matter enough in the thing it felfe to make them fing, Glory to Godon high, on earth peace ,good milt towards men, What, hath God heene fo rich in love to us, in chrift, fowondrous in mercy, as to takeour miferable nature , not at the beft,but at the worft, and to take onr condition upon him ? here is matter' of joy and fhall we be be- holding to the Devils for joy, when we fhould rejoyce forChrifi? will not the thing it felfe yeeld matter ofrejoycing ? oh bafe difpofitìons , that we fhould riot content our felves with homogeneall uniforme joy , to the thing it felfe. I defire re- pentance , and reformation, ofwhat hathbeene amifl'e: if there be any 'that have beene guilty in this kind, that intend tocomeneare Godin there holy myfteries ; let themknow, that God will be honoured ofall that come neere him, let them take it to heart. As Tertullian Paid ira his time : What , fhall wee celebrate that, which is a publicke matter of joy to all the Church, for a pa-