OfgirvingGlory to God. 2.2.9 a publike fhame in a difgracefull way ? I befeech youconfider ofthefe things; Repent, for the KingdomeofGod is neare faith the Baptifi. What, (hall wee therefore give carnali liberty, toall loofenefle, as ifChrifi carne to bring Chri- flians liberty to licencioufnefse ? (hall we, 1tí- (teed ofrepenting, runne further and further in- to guilt ? and indifpofe our felves to all good- nefse ? is that the reafonìng of the Scriptures? No,repent,for the KingdomeofGod isat hand,change your lives, for Chriff and the finitesof the Gof- pell areat hand. The grace ofGodbath appeared in Chrift, what ? to teach ustólive as we 1111 ,and to be moredifordered then at other times ? oh no to live foberly, and juftly, nottowrong any bo- dy, and holy and godly in this prefent world, this is the Scriptures reafoning, and thus (if ever we Tooke for comfort from Godand Chrii ) we muff reafon too. Let none thinke it too late ,to fpeakeof there things now, but thofe that have not had the graceof God, tokeepe them innocent, let them makeufe of the grace of God to repent, and as thephrafe offorne ofthe Ancients is,repentance is a boord to efcape to the (bore, afterwee have made fhipwarack, and done things amifse; there- fore, as I Paid, Chore that have not had the grace before.tobe innocent let themmakeufeofthe graceofGod , that now invites them to repen- tance , or not prefume to come to thefe holy things. I fpeake it, notonely tofeemine owne four, but to free you fron contra&ing further guile : What ufe to' make of Chrif}s corn. ming. Repentance, what.