Glory to God.. And themeanes how we may.come to glorifie God. For the firíl, -of glorifying God in general!, I will not fpeake much it would be Iarge : and , the point ofglorifying God, is roof{ fweetly eon fidered, as invefled in filch a benefit as this, when we thinke of it , not as an Idea onely but thinke of it in drift, for whomwehave caufe to How toknow glorifie God, and for all the good wee have by whether we him. God. t Firtf then, wehold tune with the blefred An: Whenwe exalt gels, in giving glory to God, whenwe exalt God Lim above all, Moor foules, aboveall creatures and things in theworld, whenwe lift hini up inhis own place, and let him be in our foules, as he is inhimfelfe, in the motif holy ; God is glorious,efpecially in his mercy and goodneffe; let him he fo in our hearts, in thefe fweet Attributes , above all our unworthineffe and finne: forGod bath not 'glo- ry from us, till we give him the highefl place in our love, and joy and delight, and all thofeaffe- ¿tions that are fet upongood, when they are fet upon him as the chiefe good, thenwe give him his due place inour foules, wee afcribe to him that Divinity, and excellency, and eminency, that is due tohim. And thiscfpecially appeares in competitionand oppofition.ofother things; when we will not offend God for any creature; when we can fayas the P(almifi, whom have 1 in 136 heaven but thee, and rehat is there in earth, in comPa- rifon ofthee ? Therefore let us aske our owne thoughts often ; what that is, that our affeóions of Efpecially in oppofrtion.