Ofgi'ving Glory to God. 233 of delight,and joy and love, and all the fweetnes and marrowofour foules is fpent on , and runs after? is it the Tweet love of God inChrifi, theex- celiac fiate we have in chrift? it is an excellent fgne. Surely, the bl ffed Saints in heaven, and thofethat are inearth, that looke for heaven, are thus difpofed for themoll part, efpecially when they fet themfelves in their devotions before God. Let us examine what is higheft in our foules : The loving kíndneße ofthe Lord, is better then lifeitfefe, faith the Pfalmift. Thenwe jve Godglory, whenwe fet light by life it felfe , as holy Saint Paul could fay, What, doeyou tell meoffufferingat leruralem? Iam not onelyready to doe that, but todiefor the name of Chrifi : and in Philip. I. So Gadmay fie magnified by my life ordeath. Philip t. I am at a point, fo if the queft ion be, whether we fhall facrihce this blood, and lifeofours, or dif. honour God, and wrong the Gofpelll , or beany wayprejudicial) to the truthknowne , when wee are ready to part with all, with father and mo- ther, and houfes and lands , and all for Chrifi ; then with the Angels we fay Glory be to God on high; therefore in a flare ofoppofition, when we cannot enjoy both, let us leave thecreature, and cleave to God, Thenagaine, we give glory to God for Chrift 2 when we take all the favours wee have from God When we, rake In Chrift; when we fee Chrifi inevery thing ; AU all favours in y t7 Chrift. things are ours,becaufewe areChriits, It is by Chrift that wee are heires , that we have any counforta- ble intereft, therefore when wee accept all in R 2 Chrfl,