Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

z ; 1 Ofgirving Glory to God. Whenwe f?ir up others to g1oti5e God. Pjal, to;.: chriji,and give God in aryl, the glory ofall, we pray,tice this that the Angels doe here, we give glory to God. Then againe, we give glory to God ,when we , (lineupothers, all the Angels content, there was no difcord in this harmony of the Angels. When we all joyne together, and flirre upone another, and labour topromote the knowledge of God in Chrifi, all thewayes we can, every one inour place and calling, Mag iflrates, and Mini. flers,and everyone in ourfamilies, labour that Chrifl may Jule there, that God in Ghrif!': May be knowne. InPfed. 103. there the Pfalmitt flirres up him felfe toglorifie God , and he flints up the Angels , and here, the Angels flirre up men, Glory to Godon high, &c, Where there is a zeale ofGods glory, anda difpofition fit to glo. rifie God , there will be a flirring up one of another , Angels, men, and men. Angels , anda wifhìng, that God may have glory in heaven and earth. Therefore thofe that labour not in their places, that the truthmay be made known, that for bate and worldlyends, are oppofers of the publifhing ofthe Gofpell any way, (as it is the fafhion now , they will not appeare openly, bus cunningly undermine the Gofpell) under pretences. they beare no tune with there bief. fed Angels, for thofe that have difpofitions like them , will fludyhow this bleffed truth may be promoted , andpropagated,and fpread even over theworld ; therefore wee fhould labour, every one to fpread the glorious Gofpell of Chrifl; efpeciaily