Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

OfgiwingGlory to God. efpecially thofe that are Minifters ,whofe office it is,tounfold and open the;unfearchaále riches of Chrift. Againe, we glorifie Godin Chrift, whenwee fee Inch glory and mercy of Chrift, as it doth transforme us, and change us, and from an in. wardchange, we have alway a blefîed d ifpofi' tion to glorifie God, as I (hewed out oft Cor. 3. This is the difference betweene the glafFeof the Gofpell, and theglafl'e of the Law, and of the creatures. In the Law , we fee the beames of the Juftice of God, Curfed is every one that conti- nuethnot inall,&c. and the beamesofhis power and goodneffe in the creature, but it doth not change and transforme us to be good and gra, cious, but when wee fee the glory of God, of his goodneffe and infinite mercy, fhining in the face of Iefue Chriji, (for wee dare not Tooke upon? God immediatly) it changeth the foule, to be gracious like unto Chrifi. therefore if wee find, that the knowledge of God in Chrift, hath changed our difpofitions it is a ligne then, we giveglory to God indeed for to glorifie God, is an a Lion that cannot proceed but from a difpofitionof nature, that is altered andchan- ged, the inflrument mnuf} be fet in rune , before itcanyeeldthisexcellent Muficke, to glorifie God as the Angels doe, that is , all the powers ofthe foule, muff be fet in order with grace, by the Spirit of God . if the meditations and thoughts of the Gofpell , have altered our d if pofitions to love God, and that that pleafeth R 3 God i3S 4 When our dif.. pofitions ara altered by be- holding Gods glory inChiift. s Car. 3.