Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

s. 3:6 8jay. 6é. 5. l Ofgirving Glory to god. God, todoe goodco amen, todelight' in good - mire, it is a ligne we are inftruments in tune to glorifie God, and that we have anapprehcnfion of the love, and mercy of God in Ghrifi, as we (hould, for it hath a transforming power to work this. The graceif God will teach ru to deny ungodlinefe and worldly lulls and to live l;olily. ''hen thegraceof God, that is , the free love of God inCh. ifÿ, in the forgiving our finnes, and advancing us toheaven, hath this e(fea in our foules , it is a-tigne wee havea true notion, and apprehenfion of the excellency, andeminency of Gods grace, otherwife, if we turneth'e grace: of God into mantonnejjé, to make the benefits by Chrifl, a pretence and covering for our wicked and loofe lives, we know-not what it is toglori- fie God , but though in wordswe fay, Glory be to Godyet in our lives we denie it, as the Apoltle faith. The Hypocrites in Ifay, 66. 5. they hadgood fpeeches in their mourhes ;faithGod , heave the word of the Lord, ye that trembleat bid word, your brethren that hated Not; andcafl you outfor myname fake, raid, Let the-Lord beglorifted,i,foyou Chaff find thole that are-oppofers,and perfecutors,and haters of` inceritie,will fing Gloria Patri, God be glorified ; but whatgood will this doe them , if they have diabolical], fatanicall difpofit ions if they be like the Devil], in oppoiìng the truth, and hating that-that is good"? TheDevils in the Gofpell, could glorifie God for their owne ends, We know that thou art the BonneofGod , foDevils incarnatecan come to Church, and receive the Sacraments