OfgirvingGlory to God. Sacraments,and feet= topraife God, ohbut there mull be achange ; for toglorifie God,is awork ofthewhole man, efpecially ofthe Spirit, 4 ' that it n itbin me praife his holyname :Itcame from the heart rooteof a fanFtified judgement,out of grounds,why wedoe it. The withoftheAngels here, Glory to Godonhigh, it came from a good ground , becaufe they knew, God is to be glori- fied in Ghri,fi : for judicious phrafes are foun- ded upon truths, fo there mull be a fanftified judgement tobe the ground ofit, and theaffe Elions mull be in tune , anfwerable to thofe truths , then weare fit toglorifie God ; and all this is by the power of the Gofpell, transfor- ming us. Againe, weglorifie God,whenwe take toheart any thing that may hinder, or íloppe,oreclipfe Gods truth, andobfcure ir,vyhen it wo kes zeale in us in our places, as farreaseve can,when it af- fe&s as deepely,to fee thecaufeofReligionkin- dred anyway,if there be any delire ofglorifying God,therewill bezeale,the heart will move,with a kindofindignation,when God is di(honoured, and his truth eclipfed, with falle do&rine, or by ill pra&ice; it cannot be otherwife, it isout of the nature of the thing it felfe ; therefore thole that either are inflruments of flopping or obfcuring the truth, or canting it to be re- proached,by their wicked lives, or ifthey henot infiruments, yet they doe not take it to heart, when they fee Goddi(honourad, (urely theycan fpeake little comfort to themfelves, they have R'4 wither a37 When wee grieve at the hiaderancesof Gods glory.