238 When it work> a riot's joy. Th: híndran ces of Gods glory. gnor ance: Cìf,gi,vJng Glory to god. neither Angelical) nor Evangelical) of I i lical for if they had the knowledgeofthe Go, fpcll , it would worke thisin them. Aga ine,if weapprehend this giorio;stilyflerie' ofchrift in the Gofpel aright,ir 'will 'Work in us a glorious joy : for joy is adifpofition, efpectally that fits us toglorifie God, then we Are fit toglcrijie God,when our hearts are enlarged with joy,when we thinke of God in Chrift, whenwe thinke ofthe Day ofJudgement, when we thinke ofheaven, when we can thinke of hell withjoy, as being fubdued, and bleffe God forChrift, when we can thinke of all that is oppofite as conquered in Chrift,10 that our joy is enlarged in the apprehen- fionofour ovine bleffed condition, it is a good figne we are inadifpofidon toglorife God, but I will not enlarge my felfe further in this'Point. This being fo excellent a duty, to which wee I are flirredb.y theAngels.,Glory to God ón hi:h, éTr, what are themaine hindrancesofir, that we give not Godmore Glory ?- Themainehindrances are, a double vayleof ignorance , and U.nbeleefe that we ddoe pot fee, . the glorious light ofGod, fhining in léfaí+ Chrifj; orelfe ifwe doeknow it, we doe not beleeve it, and thereupon inflead of that bleffed difpofìt- on that fhould be in the fouje, there contes,an admiration ofcarnall 'excellencies, a delighting in bate things. This Ignorance is partly from thedarkneffe of our owne hearts,beingovercall fometimes, that fuch great things are too good tobe true, our hearts