Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

FÍ Ofg! vin 01uÿ to God. 1 3 9 hearts hive à hell of imbeleefe in them. And Iotnetìmes thepolicyofSatan, who calls dull inoureyes and labours that wee may not fee the glory of God intli Gofpell, 2 Cor, 4, The GodofThis nortd l>aith:Jlii-0ded their eye,,(9ic. Igno- i ranee arffing fromwithit or without, is a great caufe why we do not ft'e Ole excel lenciès ofGod, therefore no wonder, ifwhtrc the Gofpeli is not preached that the Devill t1át`h a kind ofretgne, and God ;s not honouredAall , becaufe die De; ;ill is the Prince ofdarkenele;and rules in dark - nef e, that is' one cattle, Ignorance. So likewifeUnbeleefe, when weheare,átnd fee, 2 and know thenôti itïçsf meieyand Of ç hrzJ , and Ve,belcefe. can difpute of tbefe thing Like men that talke ofthatthernever rafltei'of: the Devils know all thefe things better then any man , yet they doe not glori:fie Goo beeaure they doe nótbeleeve tbarchef :thitjgspertaine'-to them, men want a lig. t .fntable to the truth of the things them- feles;a nnan'rnay fee them with anaturall light, ór +it14 tl:,t tigfit. ofeducation ; or byhookes, oftlfe lrk6, but° 'otHin =a ftridruall and proper liglrr; he fees nor fpiritual 1, heavenly things, in aSpiritual! light , and thatisíhe reafon hee be. leeves them not, thefe two vayles are the caute why we fee not the light of God, dining in.the Gofpell, andewhy wee doe nor glorifie him. Light is a glorious creature it was the firff creature, it is not onelvglorious in it felfe,but it fhewes the glory ofallother things too ; ifwe had:all the fights in the world pre entcd tous v , 3f;