140 Toomuch light. OfgirvingGlory togod. if there were no light to difcover them, or no fight in our eyes, ifeither be wanting, all the gloryof themwould be loft.So it is icy the Gof- pell,thoughthere be wondrous admirable things there, if we want either light or fight., if the light Thine round about us, and the Godofthis world have blinded our eye" , and infidelity have blinded us, how canwe glorifie God, wantinga heavenly, proper, peculiar, fpiricualllight,futa- ble to the things : for anatural lman,by the l fght that he hath,cannot judgeofthem: there are the maine hindrances,the vayleofignorance andun- beleefe. And on the contrary, there is another hin- drance , that is, toomuch light, either want of light altogether, or toomuch light,whenby the preaching ofthe word ofGod, awaking our con- fcience, and fhewing our fares foenormous, fo tranfcendent, foodious, that we forget mercy in Cfiri(i, and fodifhonour ChrifI, to fet the finnes of the creature, above the infinite mercy ofthe Creator, as thofe that doubt, and from doub- ting, proceed to defpaire of themercy of God, feeing the vileneffe of their firmes, in the true coloursof them and feeing, and feeling Gods anger, and wrath ; together with their finnes, in the confcience,here is too much light one way, and not looking to the other light;' this excel- lent glorious . infinite light ofGods mercy, fhi-' ping in the Gofpel_l, they Tooke not on God in the face ofChrifi,opt of fome flubborneffe and pride, they 'flatter ;hen--delves.a_tt-ey will -k tt be- leeve,