Amu 242, Doting on outward things. Of givingglory to god: man mutt be fenfible of his fnnes, and of his mifery, `before hecan have grace, therefore for thole that have too much light, though it bea great fault in force, ánd hinders God of much glory, and themfelvves of much comfort, out of this peevifh flubbornetleof theirs, yet thereare not manyofthem, andas I laid, few ofthemmil carry. Now, from thefe twovayles thathinder the gloryof God, there come other hindrances for the foule of man will wonder and admire at Tome-what, it will have fame-whar in theeyeof' it, hereupon, not fixing , or not beleeving the mercy, and goodnefre, and love of God, and the excellent prerogatives of a Chrifliian, iffuing from thegoodnefseof God, and the fruits ofit, they dote upón fomeworldly excellency, either theyare proud of their parts, and fo God is rob- bedofhis honour, or on creatures meaner then them felves; for the bafe nature of man, lince the fall, it dotes uponearth, upon gold and fil- ver, meane and bafe things , not to be compared to the excellency ofman orelfe upon fomedu ties they performe,upon their owneworkes,as if God fhouldbe beholding to them, for not know- ing themfelves well, and the infinite glory of God inChrit, that God muli have all the glory, not onely ofhappinefse, but ofgrace that brings us to happinefsc, they glory in that they have done, as in Popery , they thinke they merit muchby their performance. In the night time a Torch feemesa goodly thing, and fornetimes, rotten