OfgirvingGlory to God. 24$ rotten wood will thine, but in the day time. , when the Sunneappeares, the very fiarresfhine nnt, wee care not for meaner lights : for what good doe they then? fo the foule, when it wants I a fight of the greaten excellency, it dotes upon rotten wood ,'upon every Torch light, many vaine things feeme to be great ; a man may fce by the difpofitions of many, what they adm ire, and itandupon molt, their carryages fhewes it well enough , it argues a corrupt, and wake judgement you fee what are the mayne hin- drances, Now, theway toattaine to this gloriousdu- ty, to glorifie God; the next thing fhali be to give fomedire&ions, becaufe it is a moll nccef= faryduty ; is it not that we pray for in the Lords prayer? Nallowedbe thyname ;andwhat is the end that we were created and redeemed for , but Ì that God may have fome glory by us ? there- fore, being a neceffary abfolute duty , let us hearken to fome directions , that may hclpe us Ì that way. Firfi, therefore ifwewould glorifie God, we o ÏMf eGditations o mull redeeme fome time ro thinkof inefe things, cy ilchriftds met. . and bellow the firength of our thoughts this way; the foule being then ofl excellent thing in theworld , it is fit it fhould be fet on the eat: cellentefi duty , man being infuch anexcellent condition beingheireofheaven, and having an underflanding foule , it is fit the moll excellent part, of the moll excellent creature fhould be fet upon the moll excellent objeec. Now , the moff How to corne I to glorifie God.