Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

2, 44 Ofgirving Glory to God. molt excellent part of the foule, is the under- fianding, it kindles all the affeEiions, and leades all the rein, therefore let us take fome time to meditate, and thinkofthefethings. Whatwe are by nature, and the miferywe are expofed to by finne,that whatfoever we have more thenhell, is more thenwedeferve: and then withall,thinke what we areadvanced to in Chrift, what we are freed from, that curled condition, andwhat we lu all be freed from the flingofdeath, and all that wee feare for the time to come, thinke of what we are freed from and what weare advan- ced to, and bywhom,by God becomming man; a rnyfierie that might, nay , that doth ravifh the very Angels themfelves; God-man now in Ilea. ven, making good what he did on earth, byhis i Interceflion, and then the groundofall, the infi. nite love, and mercy, andbounty of God , to poore dìfirefï'ed man. The thought of thefe things, will inflame the heart: now , they never worke upon the heart thorowly, till theyend in admiration , and indeed the Scripture lets it' downe in termes ofadmiration, so God loved the Rorld, So, how? So as I cannot tell how, I cannot exprefle ir, and, what lovehath Godfhervedm., that evefhouldbe cac7ed thefonnes ofGod? And then the I fruits that we have by this IncarnationofChrij, and by his death ,they are admirable : Peace that paf3ethunderflandinç, joyunfpeakeable, andglorious, fo that the myflerie is wonderfull,and the digni- tywonderfull, and the fruits ,thecomfort, and peace, and joy wonderfull, every thing is anob. je&