Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

OfgirvingGlory to God. 2,45 jea of admiration; therefore whenwee thinke, and meditate of thefe things , let us never end, till our foules be wound up toadmirationof the excellent love ofGod. Wee wonder at things 1 that arenew, and rare, and great : is there any thingmore new, and rare, then that that never was the like; for God to become man ? Is there any thingmoreexcellent , then the benefits wee 1 have by Chrifi, becomming man, to free us from fo great mifery , and to advance us to fogreat happineffe ? If any thing be anobjcét ofadmi- ration,furely it mutt be this. Therfore the Apo- file dothwell to give all theditnenfions, to the love ofGod inchrift, height,andbreadth,and depth, and length, it is a love,pa ing knowledge, Eph. 3; Epbri 3. VVhar good will come by this ?eflion. When the foule is thus exercifed then it will Anfiver. The Lencfit be fit toglorifie God, when it is in this frame, it oEthlfiAncdita- will thinke it felfe too good, for any bate fer- tio% vice of finne`i: Eagles will not catch at flies;when the foule is lift up' to confider Gods love, and mercy in Chrift will it be catching at everybale thing in this world ? No, it will not, the foule never finnes, but when it loofeth this frame to have a judgement futable to things, when our judgement and affeaions are loft of the bete things, then comes in a judgement, and affe- &ion toother things as better ; fo louing that frame the foule fhould be in, we fall to the crea- ture to commit fpirituall fornication with that. Let us labour tokeepeour foules itT this tem- per,