Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

.2,q.6 Ofgirving dory toGod. per begin every daywith this meditation, to thinke what we were ,what we are now inChris, what we (hall be, and by what glorious trieanes all this was wrought, that fo the foule maybe warmedwith the love ofGod inChrift. thisframe of f irit, will Plot fuffer the foule to frnne, to' iloope to bale finfull luas. Begge he fpi- Now, to helpe this, (in the next place) begge tic f revels- of God, the fpirit of revelation to difcover to tion. us thefe things in their owne proper light, for theyare fpirituallydifcerned. Now, the Spirit knowes the breft of God , what the love of God is toevery one in particular, and he knows our hearts too. Therefore the Apoftle defires of God, the Spiritofwifedome, and revelation to difcover thefe things to us, not onely that they are truths, but that theyare truths tous : for, un. le(fe we know there things belong to us in par- ticular , wee cannot glorifie Godas wee fhould, they are in themfelves glorious things, toheare of Gods mercy in C.hrift , of God becomming man, to heare ofKingdomes and Crownes,oh but when there is a fpirit of appropriation to make thefe our owne, that God in Chrift loves Galt. us, who loved me, andgave himfelfe for me, Gal. 2. then the foule cannot but breake forth , with i the Angels here, Glory to God onhigh, therefore begge the Spirit, to reveale to us our part, and portion, that hewould thew his face to us, that he is tous a Father in Chrijt, furely in hearing, meditation andprayer,&c. wee (hall finde a fe- cret whifpering, and report from heaven, that God