OfgivingG1orr to God. God isour Saviour, and that our frnnes are for- given, efpecially, when wee Rand inmolt need ofthis comfort : ler us thereforebeggeof God, to take away thevayles ofIgnorance andUnbe- leefe, and openlyto revealehis Fatherlybowels, and tender mercy to us in Chriff , to dìfcover to us inparticular, more and more our intereft in the fameby his Spirit, that onely knowes the fecret ofour hearts, andbeingabove our hearts, can fettle our doubts, onely the Spiritcan doe it : for as God onelyworks falvation, fo the Spi tit only canPeale toour foules,our falvation: this is one excellent way to helpe us to glorifie God. And adde this as motive as a plea not to 1.O.g1orifie God, theend moveGod fomuch, as to move, and'to fatisfie ofour life. our hearts , and to ftrengthen our faith , that it is the end ofour lives, and the pitchofour de. fires to glorifie God : théreforewe defire God, to reveale himfelfe fo farre to us tobe our Fa- ther inChrif I, that we may glorifie him, furely it is a forcible plea, Godwill doe that that is lute- able to hisend , He hath madeall thingsforhis omne glory, efpecially the worke of Redemption in chriff, is for the gloryofhis rich mercy, and we defire the fenf`eofhis mercy änd love, for this cnd , that we may befitter toglorifie God ; it is a prevailing argument, fetched fromGods owne end. And let us labour daily more and more, to thevani fee the vanityofall things in the world : put the S ty ee ofall thit: cafe we have honours, and large poffefïions in else. S the 2. 47