Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

theworld ;that wewanted nothing ;`if th is vare fevered from Cods love in thrift; fötiife ever- ;af'}ing .; What comfort couldwee havé in this, efpeciilly, at the houre 6f death ?' let `us tee therefore the vanityand emptinttfeofall things elfe our ofchrift, and thegood we havebydrift, what all will be ere long, the daily thoughts of thatwill be agoodmeanes: forwe muftcmpty our felves of that weate, that we may beCi'lled with that we arenot,andwe muff daily confider, the emptineffeofthe creature, wherewithwe la- bour to fupport our felves. For wherrinen have no gäodne{fe in thernfelves, they will have an excellency in the creature , therefore when wee fee our felves out of Chrift, tobe nothing but fuell for Godsvengeance, and fee that the crea..1 ture can afford us' nothing but vcxation,there thoughts , that thefe things are fo, ,and outof experience , willmmke tis draw neere to God, upon all occaf,ons , it will make us glorifie him, and àbafe our felves : what made rob abafe him- Draw neere to felfe, and glorifie God,? when he drew'neer'e'to God. God, and God drew neere to him I 'abbhorse my felfe, and fo we fee in Abraham. Let us draw neere to God upon all occafions, in the 'Word, and Prayer, and in the Saerarnent,and this will make us fee our owne'nothingnef e, and Gods great neffe: for that is the way to honour him, to fee his greatneff'e, and a nothingnefie in 61re creature, that -all things' inhim are fo excellent, and' our of him, nothing and'werfe then no- thing. Now,