Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

OfgiiringGlory toGod. Now, wee are to draw neere to God in the Sa- crament , and theneerer toGod , the moreweho. nour him: whohonours God moll ? Purely Ghrii, Application to becaufe he is fo neere him, beingGod and man, rhesacramcnt. in one Pcrfon,and next tohim, the bleffed An- gels glorifieGod, they are neere him, therefore in Ifay 6. they covertheir faces, it being impoffi- 'EP , i, ble for the creature, to comprehend the great Majeflie ofGod,and theycover their feet in mo- defly : theneerer we draw toGod, in the medita- tion and confederation of his excellencie in the ordinances ,themore humble, and abated wee fhall be inour helves , and the morewe (hall ho- nour God , feeing his excellency , efpecially of' his love. So next to the Angels, the Saints : mill thynorkes praife thee. Pfal. 145. They givematter ?fat, 14f. andoccafion, but, Thy Saints bleJJethee. If it were not for a few Saints on earth , though all the workes of God are matter of praife , they could not praire God, Thy Saints bleße thee: and the neerer wecome to God, the fitter we are for this. Now there isa wondrous neere comming to God in the Sacrament, ifwe come prepared, we come tohavecommunion and flrengthening in Chrifl, he is both the Inviter, and the Feaft it feue; wecome tobe madeonewithhim, bone of his bone, andfde(bofhis iefh ; therefore ifwee come prepared, t1T is is theway tobringus to adifpofi- tion to glorifie God: you fee here the wondrous infinite love ofGod, in the Sacrament , to fioupe fo low to his creature,to ftrenzthen our faith,bv giving us thefe things, Godhad beene good to S 2 Us, I _4o