Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Ofgieving Glory to God. us, whether he had given us his bath, and his !, Seale, orr:o, but he knowes we arewcake , and unbeleeving, and doubting, therefore tobelpe us, hehath given us notonely his prom ife but his. Oath, and befides his Oath, bee bath gi- ven us fignes and Seales,be=.e iswondrous mercy. Let us be encouraged to corne in ,and admire the loveofGod, not onely in givinghis SonneChrist 1for us , but in affording us other tucanes to ftrengthen ourfaith.Letnone be difcouraged in j the fight, and fenfe of their owne Ganes but let I them come in, and they (hall glorifie God the I more, where finne hath abounded in their fence and fe'elìng,theregrace (hall more abound. And thole that have beetle good, and have, flipped any way , let them confider Gob infinite love in Chrifi, it is nota Cifterne, but a Sptìng. Gods mercy in chrif , _ar d theblood of&prig is a Fowl- mineopenedfor fwd i,&c. that is, it fervesnot for our firft couver lion onely, but every clay upon every occanon , when we bate made any breach withGod, wemay come and waft in that Bath, Chri?.c blood. The61oodofChrijipurgeth,itis in the refent tenfe,it tonnes continually in the vigour of it. There is a fpring ofcorruption inus, there is a Springofmercy in God, there is a Spring of chills blood,that bath a perfe& efficacy towatla our foules, Therefore ifwe have not yet beene converted, and humbled, and caft downe for our fumes, let us now come in, and give God the glory ofhis mercy ; and ifwe have fallen againe, (confider there is a Fountaine opened forludah, and