Peace ois Earth andlerufalem to wafh in ; and let us come and re- newour repentance and faithat this time. peace onEarth. The fame holy'aWe ion in the Angels , that moved them to with God to have his due of glory from the creature , it moves them to with peace tomen likewife, to thew this (by theway) that, There can be no true zeale of Gods glory , but with love toman-kind. They were not fo ravithed with thegloryof God, as to forget poore man on earth, ohno; theyhave fweet, pure affections to man, a poorer creature then themfelves. Therfore let them that are injurious andviolent in their difpofitions, and infolent in their carriage, never talkeefglo- rifying God,when they defpife and wrong men: there are fome that overthrow all peace in the earth, fortheirowne glory; but he that feekes Godsglory, will procurepeace, what hecan, for they goe both together, as we feehere, Glory to God in the highe¡i,peaceon earth. Now their end ofwi thing peace upon earth, it is, that menmight thereby glorifie God, that Godbeing reconciled, and peacebeing flabli- fhed in mens confciences, they might glorifie ewe cannot God ; hence obferve this likewife, that ; glorifieGod till NYC ó14OWl We cannot..lorilie God, tillwe haveforceknowledge ¡ pcacoat ofourpeace withhim inChri ,l. hisn. ---___ S 3 We i They that glo- rifie God, allo love tnemt.