z cz rl'ectce on Earth.' Whence peace comes. Wemu ft have thefirft a6 , to call our felv'es upon Gods mercy in Chriit and adhere and cleave to that mercy , and then we (ball feele fo much comfort, -as (hall make us glorifie God,, though we may queftion it in defertion foam. times : here the Angels intending, that God íhould have. glory of all , they with peace on earth, in the confciences ofmen efpecially. The reafon is, peace comes from righreouf. ne% : chrift, is firft the King of righreoufrieflè, and then King ofpeace, righteoufnefT caufeth peace ; now , unleffe the foulebe-aßûredöfrigh. teou fne ffe .in cbrift, it can haveno peace ; what faith theVirgin Mary ? MyTonle lothmagnific.rhe Lord, andmy irit rejoyceth in God-my Saviour, the begins with magnifyingtheLprd, but what was the ground ? the rejoyced in God,as.a Saviour. therefore, the magnifiedhim, fo in the, Lords 'Prayer ,wee fay Oer Father, which is a wordof the Covenant ofgrace,vti hen the foule conceives of God. as a gracious Eather,reconciled.inchrift; and then comes , Hallowed be thyName: infinua, ring that , tillwe know in force meafure God, to be our Father,we cannot with a'gracious fpirit fay, Hallowed be thy Name; for can we heartily with, for the manifefiation of the glory ofhimi . that we thinke is our enemy, andhim that wee have no intereft inhis greatne ffeond goodneffe? the heart ofnian will neverdoe it,therefore Gode muff firft fpeake peace to the foule, ( the An- gelsknew that well enough ) and then weare* to glorifieGod; Peace