Peace on Earth. z5 Pence on Earth. What is peace ? It is the beft thing that man canattaine unto , tohave peace with his Maker andCreator. Peace in general], is a harmony and an agreement ofdifferent things. This peace, hereyou may knowwhat it is by the contrary,as the Apoftle. faith, Ephef. r. io. theword there is very fignificant Anakephaliofis,there is a recapitu- lation, or gathering all to a head in Chrift: out of chrift, there is a divifion , a feparationand a skattering, abreach,that is five-fold. Firft,there is a skatterirg., and a divifion from God;theFountaineofgood,withwhomwe had communion inour firft creation, andhis delight was inhis creature ; we loft that munion, and our finnes have feparatedbetweene God andus, as theProphet faith. Then there is a feparation betweene the good Angels and us ; for they being good fubjets , tak part with their Prince, and therefore joyne agaìní'r Rebels, as we are; hence it is, that upon the fight of Angels,theveryhearts ofgood men, have fornetimes beene firicken, confidering that there is no very good termes betweene us, and the Angels, till wecome toChrift againe. Then there is adivifion,and skattering between man,gc man: no common Spirt ofGod,will keep men together, till they be in aria., as it is faid, God feat an evil] fpirit, a fpirit ofdivifion be- tweene the men ofSichern fo fincethe fall, there is an illfpiritofdivition among men,till the Go- S4 fpell Peace what. Ephef. 1.10. Àxíu sss. Out of aria a feparation. Betweene man and God. Betweene man and Angels. Betweeemae. andman,