Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

ZS4 Peace on Barth. pell againe bring peace, efpecially there is no found peace betweene men in the [tate of na- ture, and others that are Gods children:norwith the ordinances of God , for men apprehend the ordinances of God as enemies ; the word cuts and lancethhim : it is as the fentence ofa Judge, to condemne him , therefore he fearer and trem- bles, at the powerful' opening of the word. The ordinance of God fpeakes no comfort toa carnal! man ; he is as Ahab , henever had a word of peace from the Prophet : the word alway fpeakes ill tohim , he is under theLaw, and it fpeakes nothing but terrour and curies to him. 4 And then there is a divifion and feparation Berweene Haan and other oetweene a man and the creature, which is ready crearwes. to be in armes againit any man that is in theElate ofnature,o take Gods quarrel!, as we fee in the plagues of Egypt, and other examples ; it God doebut give them leave, theyprefently make an endof finfull man , and theywould glory in it -roo, to ferve the r Creator, it is part oftheir va- nity tobe fubjea towicked men; they have no peace with the creature, r And they have no p acew; th them felves, they Berweeneman fpeake peace to themfel >es, Our alas God fpeaks andhimfelfe, none to them,theymake a Covenant with death and hell, but deathand hell make no Covenant with them, fo it is a forced fleepy peace, it is a (dead fleep, the peace they have, it is but a diver- fionto other things, they confider not them- felves, and the warre they are in with God, with themfelves, and with the creature, it is but a truce