'Peace on Earth. 155 truce that they take up for a time when God opens their confcierce, there is a ; hell in their hearts and foules , that when it is looted, makes them to fu%r a hell uponearth, they enter into the paines of hell before their time,fo there is no peace to thewicked at all , there is fince the fall, a feparation betweene God and man, betweene Angels and man betweene man and the crea- tures, betweene man andhimfelfe. Now, chril at his cornming, taking our na_ turd upon him, brings all into one againe, hee brings God and man together againe, by offe- ring himfelfe a Sacrifice, by making full farisfa- dion to the TufUce ofGod; and finne, which is the'caùfe ofhis dìfpleafure, being taken away, God being gracious, and mercifull his mercy runnes amaine on us ,finne onelyfeparates between dadäríó to, and that Chriji takes away, therefore he is called by Saint Paul,Chriffour peace,Ephef. 2. andhe-Prince ofpeace: he was qualified to be our peace, heewas a friend to both parties , having marrycdour nature ofpurpofe, that bee might, inour naturebring God , andus together, as it is r Pet. 3. i 8. His whole worke , was to bringu1 backeagaine to God from whom wee fell at the Then ifwee beat peace with God , all other peace will follow: for good fubjecs will be at peace with rebels,when theyare brought in fub- jeaion to their King, and all joyne in one obe- dience ; therefore the Angels are brought to God againe byChrii . And Chrift our Nam Ephej.'s. ¿fay 9.7.