Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

256 [ Peaeefounded !, on Gluiit., Peace on Earth. And. Cofarmen there is a fpirit of tart onbet tweene them , the fame Spirit that knits us to Godby fairh,knitsus-one to another by love. . And we,have peace with the creature,for when God, who is the Lords ofFlóíls , is matte peace - full to us, bee makes all other things peacea- ble. The Heathencould lay, Tranqui4'w Deu;, tranquidat omniay when God isat peace,l.e makes all fo. So there is peace in our owne hearts weare'af Lured by the Spirit ofGod,that he is our Father, f.e feales it toour cenfcience by his Spirit, be. caufe the bloodofChrift is fèt on byPhe Spirit of - God,andnotbyour owne,io -that now God and weare brought toOne ,and Angels and we, and all other things : therefore now thy. Angels fay, Peaceon earth, when Chrijl was borne. Now,we will fhew that this blef%d peace, in all the branches ofit, isfounded inChrift;Ghrijt is thecaufe and the foundationofit : for though thefe words were fpoken at the Incarnation of Christ yet wee referre theca to the wholeworke of his Mediator-fhip, ='n the Rateofhis abafe- ment, and his flawofexaltation, our peace is whollyfounded upon him : for he was borne; and became man, and became finne, that is, a Sacrifice for finne for us, he becamea curie for us , to ftablifh a peace, and to fatisfie Gods an, ger; and then bee rofè againe, to (hew that he had fully fatisfied God anger, and that peace was fully eftablifi,ed . therefore the holyGhof; was fent after the Refurreaion, as a tefti4iiony, that