Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Peqce Eartb. that Godwas appeafed añd nowin heaven, be is ever there as a Tarred, tomake ..Interceiilion for us:fo that Chriff is ouï pe4Ce, fromhis Incarna- tion. tohis death.; from thence CO his Refurre- ¿ionandAfcenfiori, a, nd Intercefion, all peace with God , with Angels, and with creatures is flablifhed.inChrft,: Andwhy inChrif :,. Chrifi is every wayfitted ,forit for he is the MediatorbetweeneGod and man, therefore by officeheis fittomake peace betweene Godand mau,he is Emanuel,hi,m;felfe God and man inone 'nature ,,therefore his office is to bring God and man together: It is fit it íhould be fo in regard ofGod, who being a confurning fire, will no peace with the creaturewithout a Mediator, it Hands not with his MajefÈie; neither can there ever be peace withus otherwife. NowChrifl is a fit Mediator,.. beinga friend to God, as the Son of God, anda friend tous, takingour nature upon,him, to be merciful' Redeemer. It was allo fit inrefpeaofus, ìtfhouldbefo: Alas ! whocandrvellrvith everlaRing brtrnings? who can havecommunionwith God , who is a confu- ming fire ? No; wecannot indure the fight ofan Ar dell, the Ifraclites could not induce the fight ofMofes ,whenhe came from the mout, his face fhone fog & can we indure the glorious prefence ofGod,whodrvellethin liiht,that nonecan attaineunto? Therefore God derives all good to us in cur flefh, that thoughwecannot fee God dire_rly in i him- 2.57 Q esiion. gnfrver, Why peace is wrought by Chrift. Tn regardof God. - l rn refpeo.`f of us. 1