2. 5 g Peace on Earth. 3 In regard of Chritt. himfelfe, yet in the flefh wecan fee God Incar- tiare: we may fce the Sunne in thewater,though we cannot direaly looke on that creature with. out hazard. It was a comfort to thePatriarches, that they had lofeph their brother, the fecond man in the Kingdome : So it may be to every Chriftian that nowwe have the fecond Perfon in heaven , ourbrother , inour nature ; he is the Steward of heaven and earth , ró difpenfe all Gods treafures tous. Will not he acknowledge us, that are bone ofhis bone, andfiefh of hirlefh? When he tookepur nature for this end, tobe a mercifull Redeemer. It is moft futeable toour condition, that Chrift fhould be the foundation ofour peace. Ifwe looke toChrift himfelfe, hebeing Gods Sonne,and the Sonne of his love : for him to make us fonnes and fonnes of Gods love, is it not molt agreeable, that he that is the Image of God, fhould againe renew the Imageof God, that we loff? JacobsLadder knit heaven and earth together ; fo Chrifi knits heaven andearth , God and us together. Youknow ifa Ladder lye upon the ground it doth no good,or ifit be kept above it ferves for nothing, fo ifChrift wereonely God, or onely man,rhere could be noUnionwrought betweene God and man; but now being both, he is a fit Mediator betweeneboth. chrift is the foundation ofourpeace, (in the gracious Cove- nant that God hach madewith us ) in all his Offices. For as a Prophet, he proclaimes peace, he preached before in the time ofNoah , he pub- lifhed