'Peace ora Earth. blifhedpeace as the Prophet ofhis Church ; in himfelfe when hee lived , and by his Milliners, when he left the world. And as a Priefi, be did worke our reconciliation, offering himfelfe a Sacrifrce,he made a peace betweene Godand,us, and is now in heaven , to make interceffion be- tweene God and us. And as a King, he fubuues the corruptions ofour foules, he puts downe the pride of our thoughts to bring the heart into fubleaion tohim by his mighty power, (which indeed requires analmighty power,) allo by his Kingly office, he rules, and governs, and fub- dues all the enemies ofhis Church, without and within. You fee then, without further illuf{rra- tion , that Chrit is the foundation ofour peace, by his Incarnation, death, Refurrec'1ion and. Afcenfion, This (hould teach us , firff; that whatfoever cooerttwer cou: fe with entercourfe.we have with God the Father, wee cod,withou fhould take Chrifi, takeout Benjan4in, our belo. Christ. ved withus we mu(}not offer Sacrifice without j the high Prie(I : let us offer nothing to God r without Chn.i,rf: there is no enrercourfe betweene God and us, till wee be reconciled in Civil?, in whomwe mu ft offer aïfour Sacrifices and index- yours. Therefore let us not owne anabfolute God in our devotions, let usthinke of God re: conciled inChri.Ff and at peace w i t' us, and a Fa- ther in Covenant in ChrifE, and then ourperfons and prayers, and all (hall be accepted for the Sacrifice ofChri!!, inwhom he finellsa fweet fa, your, as it is fa:d concerning Nosh , bee offered a Sacrifice 259