f KingsWithChtifl for_Gods favours areéompleat as a God., he ffablifheth.j of a peace as men doe, onely to doe them no harme , that they are at peacewith, but where hemakes a.-peace ? he con- fares all that is good, reconc liation,adoption, giving us the liberty offormes, and friends , to goe boldly to God as a Father in all our wants : let us thinke moreofthis,and improve this blef- fedpriviledge everyday-- ;? ;Aeacvion Earth. zGr Peace upon Earth VV hyBoth he fay, Pease on Earth"? Becaufe peace was here wrought upon earth bychrifl, in the dayes ofhis &(h, whenhe of- feted himfelfe a Sacrifice of a.fweet fmelling fa- vour to his Father.:: Becaufe here inearth, we mutt be partakers of it , we oft times deferre to make our peace with GQdi, from time to time, and thinke there will be peace made inanotherworldohbeloyed,ourpeace mg itbe madeou earth. Wemug livegodlyand righ- teoufly,andfeberlj in this',relent rrorld,we mutt enter into the Kingdorneofheaven here Further entrance muH beminiflredhere, bygrooving ingracedailymore ó andmore.Ifheaven benot entred into here,it Thal l never be entred afterwards . for the Church is the feminaryofthe heavenlyParadife,. all that are taken toheaven, tobe fet there for ever they are fet in the Church before they are planted, and grow up there a while , under- the rneanesof falvation. Therefore labour to havethispeaceon earth ; uefllion; jn`meyA. Why is it laid peace on earth;