z6z How toknow God andwe are at peace. t If God be re- conciledtous, Peace on Earth. earth, orelfe we can never glorifie God onearth, and ifwe glorifiehim not on earth,wehall never doe it in heaven: But to come to fotne tryals , whether we have this peacemade or no whetherwe can fay in fpi- rit and truth, there is apeace eflablifhedbetween Godandus. Fora ground ofthis, that may lead we are rocon. us tofurther tryall , know that Chrift hash recon- tiled tohim ciled Godand us together,not only byobtaining peace, bywayoffatisfa&ion, but by wayof ap. - plication alto; whom he dyed for, to obraine peace , he gives ,a fpirit of application to im- prove that peace, to improve Chrifi the Princeof peace: as their ovine ; for there is a mutual! com- merce betweene God and man, who is an under- !landing creature ; and there is nothing that God doth for man , if we looke to thegeneral! and head of benefits , but there is fomewhat in man wrought, by the Spirit to anfwcr it againe. God is reconciled to man inChrifl , man mull be reconciled to God in Chrisî, in 2 Cor. 5. cor, 5. rg: cod roar in Chrift, reconciling the world; when hee was on the Croffe, God was there reconciled in Chrifl. Is that all? no, God by us intreate; you to be reconciled to God. A flrange condefcend;ng, that God fhould intreate us to be good ro our owne foules, byhis Mini {lets Ike intreateyiu to bereconciled , that is, to accept ofthe reconc lia- tion wrought byChrift , and to lay afide all wea- pons of rebellion, whereby you fought again(} God , in the courfeofyourvanity; wee befeech you tobe reconciled, and to repent, becarsfe the Kingdome