Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

2.64 . 2. God, friends and enemies are ours. 3 Boldnef:eof fpirit, lah zz. `Peace on Earth. fpeakes to the foule and faith, I am thy falva- tion ,thy firmes are forgiven thee; and as chrift, to the good rheefe on the Crofte, This dayfhalt thou bewith me in Paradife ; when he whifpers to the foule, thou art mine, and 1 am thine then the foule becomes fweet, and peaceable toGod againe ,and Paidies to advance the glory of Gods mercyby all meanes and to advance the Go- fpell ofpeace, it becomes friendly to God. To come to force more familiar evidences, whether weebeat peace with God, and whether we have thecomfort ofthis peace, flablifhed by Chrif.`t, or no. Thofe that are reconciled one to anorher,have common friends,andcornmon enemies, ifthere- fore there be peace betweene God and us, it is fo withus; we loveall,wherewe feeany evidence of Gods love, we love Chriflians as Chrittians, and whom God loves not,we lovenet, what God hates wehate inour felves and others, wee hate corruptions inour felves and others,:thoughwe love their perlons. Another evidence of peace made in chrift, betweene God and us,is aboldneffèof fpirit,and acquaintance with God, Acquaint thy fie with God, andbe at peacewith him, lob 22. A. Chriftian being at peace with God in Chrift Iefius, hegoes boldly to the Throne ofgrace, in all his necefli- ties, as a poore child goes boldly tohis father, and moves the bowels of his father by his peti- tions. When two Kingdomesareat peace , there is trading letup afrefh againe, fo whenGod is at