Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Peace on Earth. 265 atpeace with the foule, there is a heavenly inter - courfe, and trading fet up : there is no manthat is at peacewith God, but hee calls upon God in his perfon, inhis family, he fetsup the wofhip ofGod there, he labours to bringall to God that hecan, bee thinkes it the moil gainefulltrade in the world. In thewant ofgrace, and fpirituall comfort hegoes to the Fountaine ofgrace,and improves that bleff'ed prerogative, we have by peace in Chrii; thofe that have not the Spirit of God to improve it in Communion and tra- ding with God, it is a figne there is no peace: ftrangenef fe fhewes that there is no peace. Alas how ftrangely doe many walke towards God, that fromSunday to Sunday,skarce lift up their hearts to heaven forableffing, but walke in the flrength oftheir owne mother-wit, and fupport themfelves with the fucceffe of fecond caufes, and blefpe rhemfelves,they are ftrangers from the God of peace: let us take notice of this, and ac- count it a great prerogative, that wee may goe toGod with boldneffe, that it is not now as it was in Paradife there is no Angell with a fword to Phut us from heaven, but now there is an en- trance to theThrone ofgrace, we may goe bold- ly in thename ofChrift, to offer our felves,andall our indeavours. A Chriftian that hath made his peace with God, will never allow himfelfe in any finagainfl confcience,becaufe he knowes finne is odious in it felfe, loathfome to God, and hurtfull to his foule,therefore he will not be in leaguewith any T 2 finfull Acquaintance with God. 4 Hatred of knowne fns.