2.66 Peace on Earth. finfull, unjuff courte, what, tobe in leaguewith God, and tobe at peace with that that God hates more then the Devill himfelfe ? hee hates finne more then the Devil' for he hateshim for finne, therefore a man that allowes himfelfe inknowne i finnes , there can be nopeacebetweene God and him, as he faith , why doe you talke ofpeace, as longas the witchcrafts andwhoredomes of lefa. bel remaine ? a man that lives in finnes againff confcience, that is an open fwearer, an unjuff perfon, that cares not by what meanes he advan- ceth himfelfe; what loth he talkeof peace with God, when bee is in league with God' enemy ? therefore, though filch men ( out of thehardneße oftheirhearts, which are harder then the nether mil- ¡foxes and God feales them up under a hard heart to damnation, except force terrible judgement awake them) force a peace upon' themfelves, theyought to fpeakenone, and they (hall find it to their ¿off ere long;therefore let us examine our owne hearts, howwe ffand affehed to any finfull courte. There may be infirmities, and weakeneflès hangu1pon thebeff, that are be fides their purpofès, and refolutions, but for a man refolvedly, to fet himfelfe in an ill way, how can he be at peace with God , and with Satan at the fame time ? let us take notice of thefe things, and notdaube with our owne confcien: ces. Again?, where there is a true peace effabli_ Highcharm . {bed, there is a high effeeme of the Word of of theGorpell. Coy, y, ( peace, the GofpeIl ofreconciliation, as Sr, Paul calls