Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Perce on Earth calls it, 2 Cor. S. Hebath committed to su the word ofreconciliation, thole that find thispeace there, is flirtedup by the Spirit in their breafts, a high effeeme oftheordinance of Cod , as being the word oftbeirpeace ; bow come we to have peace betweene God and us ? is it not by opening the richesof Gods love in Chri,fi, in the Scriptures? Therefore faith the Scripture, blfJed are thefeet ofthem that bring glad tidings ; the meaneft part of their body, their feeteare bleffed, therefore thole that have defpicable conceits ofthe Mi- niftrie oftheWord,and place their happine(fe, in depraving the labour, and paines of that office and calling, it is a figne they have pro_ phane hearts , for whofoever bath had any grace wrought, by the wordof reconciliation, and ofpeace, they will highly efteeme it, and re- fpect them for their office fake , it cannot be otherw ife. Laftly,thofe that have found peace:arepeacea- ble, it is univerfally true, God dothmakean im- preffionofthefamedifpofition in us to others, weapprehendingGod inChriff , tobe peaceable to us, weeare peaceable toothers : therefore in Ifay i r. The knowledgeofGod in Chrifi , it al- ters andchangethmens difpofitions it makes Wolves and Lions, to be of a milder difpofi- tion and temper, har(h, proud, ftardy difpofi- tions,they never felt peace and mercy themfelves, therefore they arenotready to Phew it to others. In the nature ofthe thing it felfe, it is impofíì- ble for the foule, toapprehend peace, in the love T'3 of 267 6 Peaceab(enes with others. rfayrj. _