Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

z68 Peace on Earth. Dangerof fag's peace. Neceffitieof application. of God,and not to have the difpofitionwrought upon, to Phewwhat it bath felt: let-us thinkeof there and inch like evidences daily, tokeepeour hearts from fpeakìng falfe peace. The greaten danger in the world (in this regard) is in the Church, for people under the Gofpell fpeake falfe peacetothemfelves, there is a fpirit ofdelu_ lion, that carries them along totheir death , and deceives them alfo indeath and fo they are in hell beföre they be aware, and then too late,thcy fee, that theywere never in good tearmes with God, inall their life, becaufe they looked on Chrif makingpeace, without any confideration ofthe fpirit ofapplication. There mull be a fprinkling of the bloodof Chrifl on our foules ,tomake it our owne. we are come to the bloodoffrrinkling,it is not the bloodof chrifthat makes ourpeace onely asblood, but as it is fprinklndby the handof faith,thatis as the Ifope that fprinkiled the blood of the Sacrifice upon the people. We muff not thinké tohave anygoodbythe bloodof Chrii whenwewant the bloodoffprinkling that is, this particular faith: Chrift lovedme, and bath cliottnme, and I choofehim ,and love him againe, and fógoe' with boldneffe to God as a Father, unleffe there be thispaffageofthe foule , betweene God and us, let us not talkeofpeace for ifwe might have goodby drift , without a fpirit ofapplication, and ifthere were not a neceffityoffprinkling the blood ofahr&upon our foules by faith, all the world fhould be faved. In